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Instructor Manual for Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, 11th Edition By Dr. Gerald Corey
ISBN-10: 0357764420
ISBN-13: 978035776442
Edition: 11th
Publisher: Cengage Learning
All the chapters are included.
We provide test banks and Instructor’s Manual only. We do not have the textbook.
We provide digital files only. No shipping address required.
We recommend to download the sample(s) and review it/them before placing your order.
What is a Instructor’s Manual?
Can be called instructor manual, IM, textbook answers, case answers. It’s the answers to all the questions in your text book, or the answers to all the questions at the end of chapter.
Instructor’s Manual vs. Test Bank What is The Difference?
Now, you may be wondering what the difference is between a Instructor’s Manual and a test bank? Remember, a test bank is a supplemental manual that offers all exam questions, tests, quizzes and answers to them. it is a kind of manual instructors can use to create their tests and help students to prepare for the exam
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